Scott Marsh Education Institute

'Education Week' All Year Long Podcast

'Education Week' All Year Long Podcast

Do you want to retire wealthy? Learn how with our video podcasts on retirement planning for high-net-worth individuals. Get the Scott Marsh Financial perspective on the latest market trends and resources to make the best financial decisions today.



Check out our courses from Scott Marsh Financial. From online courses to digital downloads and beyond, this is where individuals and families build the future.



Learn about retirement planning for high-net-worth individuals from the experts at Scott Marsh. Our certified financial planners can help you create a plan that’s tailored to your unique needs.

Complimentary eBooks

Complimentary eBooks

We believe you’ve already made a wise choice—by coming here to learn more about Million-Dollar Choices™.

Million-Dollar Choices™ are money-saving decisions that you only make once but can profoundly improve your wealth-building efforts over time. You don’t have to be a millionaire to make them, either! And they are usually easy to implement. That’s what makes them so appealing.

You probably make more significant long-term financial decisions each day than you

Book Recommendations

Book Recommendations

Scott Marsh is a leading provider of retirement planning for high-net-worth individuals. Our book recommendations will help you plan your finances and achieve success in life.

Wealth Management Guides

Wealth Management Guides

Learn how our wealth management topics can improve your life and financial prosperity.